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Computers & Electronics

Download and install Visual C++ Redistributable packages

71K views · Oct 13, 2023
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Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable is a vital runtime library designed for running applications developed in the Visual C++ language, functioning much like Java Runtime Environment and .NET Framework for Java and .NET applications, respectively. When creating specific apps or programs using Visual C++, the redistributable packages are typically installed automatically; however, some developers integrate them within their software setups, and users can also download them manually. These packages are essentially a bundle of libraries, files, and resources crucial for the proper operation of programs developed with Microsoft Visual C++, encompassing components like the C Runtime (CRT), Standard C++, MFC, C++ AMP, and OpenMP libraries. Think of them as the essential fuel for a car, without which the vehicle won't run, much like how these redistributable packages are imperative for the correct execution of Visual C++ programs. The relationship between these packages and the applications relying on them is analogous to that of a car and the gasoline it requires. Microsoft has released several versions of Visual C++ redistributables over the years, and the correct version must be installed to ensure the smooth operation of applications.
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