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Computers & Electronics

Windows 10

138K views · Oct 9, 2023
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Windows 10, released in 2016, quickly became a popular operating system due to its new features, user-friendly interface, and significant improvements over its predecessor, Windows 8 and 8.1. It offered enhanced performance, speed, and security, with shorter boot-up times and improved multitasking capabilities. Windows 10 also introduced UI changes that made it more similar to Windows 7 than Windows 8. Microsoft initially released biannual feature updates for Windows 10 but later shifted to annual releases. Despite these changes, the OS consistently received monthly security updates to address vulnerabilities and provide fixes and improvements. The latest available version is Windows 10 version 22 H2, with support scheduled to end in 2025. Windows 10 comes in various editions tailored for different users, with more advanced editions offering greater control and capabilities at a higher cost. While Windows 11 is now available, some users may still prefer Windows 10 for various reasons. It remains accessible for download and installation, providing an alternative to the newer operating system.
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