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Computers & Electronics

Fix black screen with CTRL, Windows Key, Shift, B

3K views · Nov 23, 2023
Visit Channel:publisher-humix
This video discusses the common issue of encountering a black screen on a PC, particularly during gameplay or when waking the computer from sleep, a problem that has persisted since the early versions of Windows. It highlights the historical lack of effective solutions, leading to the introduction of the CTRL + Windows key + Shift + B keyboard shortcut by Microsoft. The text addresses misconceptions surrounding the shortcut, clarifying that it does not restart the graphics driver as some believe. Instead, it resets the graphics subsystem, refreshing the screen. The text emphasizes the importance of using this shortcut only when facing a black screen and provides insights into its background process, which sends telemetry information to Microsoft for troubleshooting purposes. It concludes with a recommendation to verify information independently and underscores Microsoft's endorsement of the CTRL + Windows key + Shift + B combination for troubleshooting black screens.
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