If you are like most computer users, you probably don’t think much about who else might be logged in to your Windows PC. However, if you’re concerned about security and privacy or just want to keep track of who has been using your device, it is worth knowing how to find all active user accounts, especially if you are about to shut down your computer and do not want others to lose their unsaved data.
There are several ways to find out which user accounts are currently signed into your computer, and you don’t need any special skills or tools to get started. For example, you can do this via the start menu, the Task Manager, the Command Prompt, etc. Read along the detailed step and find all signed-in users in your Windows system.
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View All Signed In Users from Start Menu
The most straightforward method to check how many accounts are signed in on your system is from the Start Menu. Here is how:
Click on the Start menu icon in the taskbar.
Click on your user account picture on the bottom left of the Start menu.
Click on current user account in Start menu -
You will now see the “Signed in” status under the user account(s) that are currently signed into your PC.
Find signed-in users from the Start menu
Note that the “Signed in” status is for the user accounts that have been signed into and not signed out of. This method does not indicate whether the user account is currently in use or not.
Find All Logged In Users from Command Prompt
Another way to find all the signed-in users is from the command line. The Command Prompt method below shows different information about the user accounts, such as which accounts are currently signed into and are active, what type of connectivity the user is using (console, remote, etc), and some other information.
Windows Command Prompt comes as a great choice for finding various things. The same goes for having a detailed view of all the signed-in user accounts in your system. Below is an easy step-by-step guide to finding all signed-in user accounts on your Windows PC:
Run an elevated Command Prompt.
Now run the following cmdlet to find the status of all signed-in user accounts:
Query User
Check signed-in user accounts using Command Prompt You should now see a list of all the user accounts that are currently signed in, along with their session ID, status, and login time. Look for the accounts that have an “Active” status and note the names and session IDs.
You can also get information for the signed-in users on a remote PC on your network. For that, you can use the following cmdlet whilst replacing [ComputerName] with the name of the remote computer:
Query User /Server:[ComputerName]
To see a list of all user accounts on the computer, including hidden or disabled accounts, use the following cmdlet:
Query User /all
This will show you a list of all user accounts, including hidden or disabled ones, along with some basic information about each one. Look for the profiles that match the names of the signed-in accounts you noted earlier.
To get the details of a particular user account, use the following command while replacing [Username] with the actual username of the account you want to view:
Query User [Username]
You can also find the details for a specific user account on a remote computer by combing the commands shared above. The syntax of the command will be as follows:
Query User [Username] /Server:[ComputerName]
List All Signed In User Accounts from PowerShell
Windows PowerShell is a command-line shell and scripting language designed for Windows operating systems. It provides a powerful and flexible way to automate and manage administrative tasks and configurations on Windows machines.
Using PowerShell, you can identify the currently logged-in user accounts on your computer. However, it involves running a script that you’ll first need to allow.
Learn how to allow running scripts in Windows PowerShell.
Once allowed, use the following steps to check which user accounts are currently signed in:
Launch an elevated PowerShell instance.
Now run the following script in PowerShell:
$users = quser.exe | Select-Object -Skip 1 $unames = @() foreach ($u in $users) { $uname = ($u.trim() -replace '\s+',' ' -replace '>','' -split '\s')[0] $unames += New-Object psobject -Property ([ordered]@{ 'Logged in Users' = [string]$uname }) } Write-Output $unames
Find all logged-in user accounts using PowerShell As you can see in the image above, a list of signed-in users has appeared.
As the Start menu method shared at the beginning of this post, this method also lists the user accounts that have been signed into but have not signed out. It does not indicate whether these user accounts are currently active/in use.
Find All Signed In Users from Task Manager
Another simplest way to find all the signed-in user accounts on your system is from the Task Manager. Here is how:
Here, you will find the list of all the signed-in user accounts on your computer.

Knowing how many user accounts are signed into your PC is essential to maintain security and privacy. By regularly checking for signed-in users, you can ensure that only authorized users are accessing your system and prevent unauthorized access to your personal or sensitive data. All the aforementioned steps are workable for all Windows users, regardless of the version.