VMWare Site Recovery Manager Lifecycle: End Of Life And Support Status

Last updated on April 18, 2024

VMware Site Recovery Manager (SRM) is one of the top-performing Disaster Recovery (DR) management systems in the market, built to reduce downtime in the event of a disaster. It offers automated orchestration, policy-based administration, and non-disruptive testing for centralized recovery plans.

The SRM’s foundation rests on an application server that plugs into vSphere clients and operates on a Windows Server. It also has its own database.

Support status guide

End of life (EOL) is the end of a product’s useful life. When a product reaches the end of its life cycle, the manufacturer no longer supports it. The following table explains the different phases of a product’s lifecycle. Testing status is when the product is initially released and EOL is when product support is no longer offered. The time between these two points is the support timeframe.


The software is not yet publicly available. It is in testing phase i.e., alpha, beta, release preview etc.


The software is actively supported by the vendor.

Phasing Out

The software will soon reach its end of life. You need to look for upgrade or migration options. The software will automatically go into phasing out status 2 months before end of life.

End Of Life

The software is no longer supported by the vendor. You need to make sure your system and environment are safe.



General Support

Technical Guidance

VMWare SRM 8.8
10 months and 5 days ago
(21 September 2023)
Ends in 1 year and 2 months
(11 October 2025)
Ends in 2 years and 2 months
(11 October 2026)
VMWare SRM 8.7
1 year and 3 months ago
(18 April 2023)
Ends in 1 year and 2 months
(11 October 2025)
Ends in 2 years and 2 months
(11 October 2026)
VMWare SRM 8.6
1 year and 9 months ago
(11 October 2022)
Ends in 1 year and 2 months
(11 October 2025)
Ends in 2 years and 2 months
(11 October 2026)
VMWare SRM 8.5
2 years and 9 months ago
(5 October 2021)
Ended 1 year and 3 months ago
(1 April 2023)
Ended 3 months and 3 weeks ago
(1 April 2024)
VMWare SRM 8.4
3 years and 4 months ago
(9 March 2021)
Ended 1 year and 3 months ago
(1 April 2023)
Ended 3 months and 3 weeks ago
(1 April 2024)
VMWare SRM 8.3
4 years and 3 months ago
(1 April 2020)
Ended 1 year and 3 months ago
(1 April 2023)
Ended 3 months and 3 weeks ago
(1 April 2024)
VMWare SRM 8.2
5 years and 2 months ago
(9 May 2019)
Ended 2 years and 8 months ago
(15 November 2021)
Ended 8 months and 1 week ago
(15 November 2023)
VMWare SRM 8.1
6 years and 3 months ago
(17 April 2018)
Ended 2 years and 8 months ago
(15 November 2021)
Ended 8 months and 1 week ago
(15 November 2023)
VMWare SRM 6.5
7 years and 8 months ago
(15 November 2016)
Ended 2 years and 8 months ago
(15 November 2021)
Ended 8 months and 1 week ago
(15 November 2023)
VMWare SRM 6.1
9 years and 4 months ago
(12 March 2015)
Ended 4 years and 4 months ago
(12 March 2020)
Ended 2 years and 4 months ago
(12 March 2022)
VMWare SRM 6.0
9 years and 4 months ago
(12 March 2015)
Ended 4 years and 4 months ago
(12 March 2020)
Ended 2 years and 4 months ago
(12 March 2022)
VMWare SRM 5.8
10 years and 10 months ago
(19 September 2013)
Ended 5 years and 10 months ago
(19 September 2018)
Ended 3 years and 10 months ago
(19 September 2020)
VMWare SRM 5.5
10 years and 10 months ago
(19 September 2013)
Ended 5 years and 10 months ago
(19 September 2018)
Ended 3 years and 10 months ago
(19 September 2020)

Disaster Recovery is now required by almost all medium and large enterprises. The VMWare SRM provides seamless integration with your existing infrastructure for data recovery and site backups.

Starting with version 8.3, each VMWare Site Recovery Manager version receives a total of 4 years of support, which is distributed as follows:

  • General support: Received for 3 years after the launch, general support includes bug and security fixes as well as technical assistance as per the Support and Subscription Terms and Conditions signed between the two parties.
  • Technical Guidance: An additional 1 year of support which only includes support and workarounds for low-severity issues on supported configurations. VMware does not offer new hardware support, server/client/guest OS updates, new security patches, or bug fixes during this phase.
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